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I have always had an interest in breeding and raising animals of one kind or another.  My grandmother suggested becoming a veterinarian so that I could make the most of that interest.  Years later, in 1975, I graduated from the TAMU College of Veterinary Medicine.  Over the next 42 years I have raised hounds, cattle and horses.  In 2000 a series of events would happen that would change our lives. Kim, my wife, and I bought a herd of deer from the widow of a friend.  We thought raising deer would be an interesting hobby, so we built pens, got a license and moved the deer in early 2001.  We went to the NADEFA and TDA conventions in 2001 and began to see raising deer was more than a hobby to some people.  Somewhere over the next several years it became more than a hobby to us also.  Three years of my veterinary career were spent in a reproduction only practice, so as artificial insemination with frozen semen became more popular in the deer business my interest soared.  We have a goal of producing heavy, wide, long tined deer mostly typical but with some extras. We think this is the type that most deer hunters prefer, and after all that is who we have to please.  
Randy Froehlich, DVM
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